Pay your loan the smart way
Learn, act and save
Paying off your loan is not easy, but understanding your options should be.
Any loan
Student, mortgage (home equity and refinance), auto and personal
Includes five unique scenarios for making additional payments
Never too late
Can be used with a brand new loan or one already in repayment
Can you guess which scenario will save you more in interest payments?
Loan Amount
Interest Rate
20 years
Monthly Payment
Start Date
July 1
Paying an additional $330 every January
(doubling your monthly payment once a year)
Increasing your monthly payment by $5.0 every January
(so $335 for 12 months, $340 for the next 12 months, as so on)
Five dollars can really go a long way.
Because every loan and financial situation is unique,
understanding your repayment options is crucial.
Learn why this elite tool will provide you
with that unique solution.
• No subscription needed or recurring payments
• Unlimited access
• Forgo that $5 cup of coffee this week and learn to save on your loan